IKEA. Live unböring.
We Americans have a hangup with hanging on to our old furniture. We’ll trade in our cars. Update our phones. Buy new clothes. But we can’t seem to part with that desk lamp we’ve had since we were living in a dorm. Or, we treat an old dresser that we inherited from our parents like a family heirloom. That’s boring. And it’s no way to live. Especially when IKEA was founded on the idea of making exciting objects for everyday life at affordable prices. So we created a campaign to shake Americans out of their complacency and uproot all that old thinking. And we even coined a new word to explain that uniquely IKEA philosophy, unböring.

Unböring Manifesto
Beyond any traditional ad campaign, we wanted to help IKEA create a movement. To wake people up to the revolution—that great design is no longer a luxury exclusively for the wealthy to enjoy. It isn’t just for the privileged few, it’s for ALL. How unböring, and quintessentially American.
Unböring Sale
IKEA already has everyday low prices, so when they have a rare sale, it’s a big deal.